Friday, January 30, 2009

So I says to Grandma...

Grandma, I like this froggie...I like it alot. Yes, I know it is too large and cumbersome for me to carry, but if I trip it provides a wonderfully squishy fall. Also, Grandma, I do not have a large froggie at my house, especially one with hearts and ribbons and such lovely eyes. 'Tis true that I have other large stuffed animals, but...I like this froggie Grandma.


  1. You do such a great job at Joey talk! I can almost hear those words coming out of his mouth as he looks up at Grandma with his big beautiful brown eyes.

  2. aw, i love your froggie too Joey! You sure know how to work it kid to get one with hearts and ribbons and lovely eyes :-) he looks lovey and soft too!
